Our News

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by david swatton 02 Sept, 2024
They sounded awesome!
by david swatton 07 Aug, 2024
This September...
by david swatton 07 Aug, 2024
Coming soon to Wigmore Church
by david swatton 07 Jun, 2024
Bringing Medieval Women to Life
by david swatton 07 Jun, 2024
Thanks to Tim Bridges.. ...and to everyone who came to the talk Tim gave yesterday at Wigmore church. I now have a long list of local historic churches to visit. This was our second ticketed event of this season. Next month we host international best-selling author Anne O'Brien.
by david swatton 05 May, 2024
A big thank you...
by david swatton 03 May, 2024
Official Minutes Circulated by Serena Askew
by david swatton 30 Apr, 2024
Held at St. James' Church, Wigmore - 29 Apr 2024
by david swatton 15 Apr, 2024
Saturday 18th May 2024
by david swatton 15 Apr, 2024
When I posted the update about our planned nature board I mentioned that we had received a grant from the Harley Charity. We have received the very generous sum of £2500 from the Harley Charity and these funds have been ear-marked for three projects that we have underway. As stated before, the largest chunk of the funds will go towards our nature board. Note: I was notified this morning by the Wigmore Group Parish Council clerk that the planning application has been drafted and is to be submitted imminently. The second project for which we will use a portion of the Harley Charity funding is the purchase of a quality PA/Sound system for use at our events. The talks we have hosted have suffered from rather ordinary sound quality so we hope to rectify that. A former BBC sound engineer who lives locally has kindly drawn up a suitable spec for the kit we need so we can now go ahead and acquire that equipment. Hopefully, at our future talks you will enjoy much improved sound quality. Note: our next scheduled speaking events are: 5th June - “From Medieval to Victorian; architecture and restoration at St James, Wigmore and other local churches”- Illustrated Talk by Tim Bridges 25th July - “Bringing Medieval Women to Life” - Illustrated Talk by best-selling novelist Anne O'Brien Lastly, a small portion of our Harley Charity grant will go on the purchase of a set of fold-up tables for use at our events which will mean we no longer have to borrow and transport tables from the village hall.  Once again, many thanks to the Harley Charity for their generosity and hopefully many of you will come along to enjoy our events scheduled for this year
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